How to View a Solar Eclipse Safely

Filters "On" Full Sun

Filters "On" Full Sun

Filters "On" Partial Phases

Filters "On" Partial Phases

Filters "On" Diamond Ring

Filters "On" Diamond Ring

Filters "Off"  During Totality

Filters "Off"  During Totality


Besides being CE certified, our safety glasses also meet all other transmission requirements of scale 12-16 of EN 169/1992 and the 2012 Transmission Requirements of EN 1836:2005 & AS/NZS 1338.1:1992 for Eclipse filters. (Queensland Directive) & Meets the Standard for ISO 12312-2:2015. Wear our glasses for partial eclipses, annular eclipses, or any time the sun is exposed.

Eclipse Shade Instructions

While you should use our solar eclipse safety glasses to view the partial phases of total eclipses, you can view the sun safely without any eye protection only during the total phase of an eclipse. Once the sun is completely obscured by the moon, you can view it with the naked eye to explore the corona, chromosphere, and prominences. Once the totality ends, you must put your glasses back on! Totality length of time will vary, depending on your location.

Please do not use our glasses with other optical technology such as cameras, binoculars, finder scopes, or telescopes. Young children should be under adult supervision at all times while using this product.

Oh, this is so wrong!!!

Oh, this is so wrong!!!

The correct way to safely observe the sun!!

The correct way to safely observe the sun!!

Happy eclipse watchers!!

Happy eclipse watchers!!

Making Your Own Device

Many times people attempt to create their own solar viewing devices. Unfortunately, they aren’t always safe. Please never use the following items to view a solar eclipse:

  • Medical x-ray films with images on them

  • Smoked glass

  • Two layers of photographic film

  • Non-silver black and white film

  • Photographic neutral density filters

  • Polarizing filters

  • Silver foil candy wrappers

Make sure the solar eclipse safety glasses you are using have all the current certifications for safety.

Here is a series of videos that although not specifically for TSE2017, all have valuable information pertaining to eclipse safety.  Worth the watch.